Sunday, February 15, 2015


We've taken a very low key approach to Valentine's Day over the last few days and I have to say that it's been nothing short of refreshing! Am I the only girl in the world who doesn't like flowers? Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful and do make me feel special (and when I've gotten them in the best hubby has done very well), but the pragmatist in me looks at the dollars and cents v. the fact that the flowers will be dead and in the trash soon.

So our V-Day weekend went a little something like this:

Friday afternoon, N's preschool class had their Valentine's Day party. This marks the first year where I didn't buy him a special V-day shirt to wear, but we tried to make do. The back of this shirt says "ladies dig me." There were cookies and cupcakes and vegetables to eat ... which one did my child not touch? :)

Once we got home, I let him open up his Valentine's from his friends. I'm so glad I didn't add sugar to the mix and hope that the other parents appreciated my candy-free Valentine's for the kids.

Saturday started off with a fun little Build & Grow clinic at Lowe's where my boys made another thing for N's ever-growing collection. This week's project was a Valentine's-inspired picture holder.

Then we grabbed some Panera bagels, some coffee at Starbucks, I took a nap, and then went to Target all by myself. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

This morning we headed to a birthday party where both of my boys got to play :)

Chris spent this afternoon and evening going on an organizing binge to straighten up the garage and all of the miscellaneous things that find their ways into junk bins and drawers. Love it!

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