Sunday, September 25, 2011

chili cook-off.

Chris's dad participated in our local Chili Cook-off today ... and received a trophy for Best in Class - No Beans! Nathan and I went towards the end of the cook-off to check it out.  He loved dancing to the music that the band played and ran all around the pavilion.  Maybe next year he can help cook :)

Here are a few pictures from today:

Monday, September 19, 2011

thirteen months.

A bit belated, as always, but it seems that another month has flown by.  Nathan is getting SO big.  He re-discovered his bouncy chair the other day and wanted to play in it.  I thought it was going to break!  My little baby is changing into a rough and tumble little boy before my eyes.

Some recent Nathan-isms include:
* an absolute obsession with the "I am a Gummy Bear" song. Go ahead and google it -- it will be stuck in your head for DAYS
* Nate's favorite word is 'dog'.  It is his first word in the morning and one of the last ones at night.  He knows that a barking sound comes from dogs and he imitates it.  He also points to people and calls them 'dog' ... which can be both embarrassing and hilarious in public
*He knows and says the difference, on command between Dadda and Mama ... or mom-mom, depending on the moment. Either way, I love it
* Nate says 'hey' in the most casual and non-chalant way
* baby fart noises -- Nate likes to blow on your arm, shoulder, leg, whatever .. and make lots of fun noises
*couch climbing and running -- his new sport!

Here are a few of his 13 month shots, as well as a few from the last few weeks:

Sunday, September 11, 2011


One of my very dear friends got married this weekend.  Out of our college roomie group, she is the third of four to get married. One to go :)

I am so happy for Courtney and Matt!  I hope that they have a long, blessed life together! I was a bridesmaid and Chris was a groomsman -- we got to walk down the aisle together, again.  While this was certainly a different capacity, it made me think about our journey together.  I'm so glad that I married my best friend.

After unexpectedly finding my smaller digital camera (not the digital SLR) that would fit into my wristlet, I was able to take some photos to capture the evening. Here are my favorites: