Saturday, June 27, 2015

tooth fairy.

Four days ago, Nate walked up to me and said, "hey Mom! Watch this!" and proceeded to wiggle one of his teeth with his tongue. A ridiculous wave of nausea came over me. Teeth freak me out. I have nightmares about losing teeth, breaking teeth. I think I read a long time ago that dreams about teeth have to do with issues with control. No big shockers there.

But yes, teeth make me sick to my stomach. And I have a little boy -- so I can never, ever let him know. He would go out of his way just to get a reaction, so I sucked it up and got excited.  I'll admit, I did a lot of Googling this week. Is it he too young? Is this the 'right' tooth to lose first? How fast will the new tooth come in? What should we expect? Thankfully, I at least thought of visiting the website for his pediatric dentist which answered all of my questions!

This morning before breakfast, Nate walked down the stairs (of course wiggling the tooth) when it came out. Such a happy and proud little guy!

"Mom, it didn't even bleed! It just fell out of my mouth!"

Surprisingly, Nate knew all about the tooth fairy ... even though we haven't had that talk yet. I guess word travels quickly at school! Too bad the tooth fairy knowledge didn't cover pricing because my kid told me that he wanted his fairy to bring $100. Fat chance, kiddo. To his credit, Nate did ask to brush the tooth one last time before handing it over to his fairy. Nathan even had all sorts of mischief planned to catch the Tooth Fairy in the act!

Once he finally fell asleep, I started thinking of how I could have a way to keep track of this new part of life because I must write down ALL of the things! I found this amazing, free printable online that was perfect! Not only could I write down all of the specifics, but also a note from his fairy. Nate always asks me if his teeth are 'shiny' once he's done brushing so that comment from her was especially well received.

Also, when did the tooth fair acquire a first name? Growing it was always "the tooth fairy" but apparently parents name theirs now. I agonized over names for an embarrassing amount of time before he shot out 'Dorothy' in about two seconds. Dorothy it is! Nate found some money under his pillow and the certificate on the night stand.

Hope he understands that the $5 is essentially a 'signing bonus' and that it's $1 from here on out! :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

father's day.

My husband is a laid back sort of guy and, as such, wanted nothing more than a laid back Father's Day. After sleeping in pre-child style (code for waking naturally), Nathan gave him some sweet gifts that his teachers helped him put together at school.

First, Nate gave his dad a coupon book. It had all of these nice coupons for yard work, making breakfast, doing laundry, etc. As my husband aptly told someone later, these were "coupons for stuff my kid can't actually do by himself". Hysterical! Also, preschool put together one of their famous questionnaire forms. Remember mine from Mother's Day this year? Just when I thought something couldn't get funnier, Nate delivers this little gem:
(hint: see number nineteen)

Oh, this child cracks me up! We also gave Chris a gift certificate for a massage, which he's very excited about. Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

train festival.

Our city puts on an annual train festival with model trains, yummy fair food, lots of different kinds of entertainment, and train rides. We first took Nate back in 2012 and then in 2013, he rode the train for the first time! No train ride for us this year because N's patience has been more than lacking. The 'are we there yet?' game starts before we've even left the driveway! 

The big hit this year was the Lego model trains. N and one of his friends watched, and watched, and watched. I think we revisited the Lego display about three or four times. 

We got suckered into some moon bounce tickets, too, but the next biggest hit was a hand-cranked train ride. Nate had so much fun on this! 

The train festival was a bit more crowded than usual this year, likely from the fact that a 'retired' steam engine was in town. We weren't able to get too close, but it definitely was the hot commodity at the train festival!

Glad that this little kiddo had so much fun!

Friday, June 5, 2015

climb like a monkey & swim like a fish.

At Nathan's four year wellness appointment, the pediatrician asked me, "so what kinds of organized sports does your son play?" And I started at her dumbfounded -- was she messing with me? Is the typical four year old already over scheduled and in activity overload?! After a lecture about physical activity, coordination, and social skills I left the office with a resolve to a.) switch to a new pediatrician and d b.) take a harder look at what we are doing with our kid.

Between my child's inability to sit still for more than two seconds and the fact that he's been in daycare since he was two, I'm not worried about anything from the lecture. He's a never-stop-moving, friendly kid with catlike reflexes and a sense of balance that makes me jealous. Fast forward almost a year and now I think he's ready.

So for now, we're signed up for swimming lessons for June and soccer for July. N told me that this is the summer where he will climb like a monkey and swim like a fish. And judging from how he's been after his first few swimming lessons, we'll add "eat like a horse" to that list.  He's currently on his third dinner tonight. Can't imagine what the teenage years will be like!

I found a local swim center that came highly recommended in our area. Two lessons in and I can see what the buzz is about! The facility is high tech, the instructors are fun, and I couldn't ask for better class ratios (only three kids in his class!).

Because I am "that" mom, I get my kiddo to pose by the pool for me to take some pictures. He's only little once!

And get ready for some super grainy and fuzzy photos! During the lesson, parents sit in a little cafe area that is separated by glass from the pool. Perk #1: no clingy kids and they engage a lot more in the activities. Perk #2: no overly warm, humid air from the pool. Perk #3: wifi to alternate between checking Facebook and taking pics of my kiddo!

Can't wait to see how he continues to progress with swimming. And soccer? He's stoked! After a free trial lesson through his preschool, he cannot wait to get started.