Saturday, February 7, 2015

balancing saturday.

We had a fun, productive, yet laid back Saturday! It's hard to achieve that balance :)

The day started with a mid-morning playdate/free activity where Nate and one his friends (love that he has friends who are also neighbors!) went to Home Depot for one of their kid workshops. If you want to check out some more details about free kid workshops and clinics that are offered by some of the big home improvement retailers, then just take a look!

Today's project was a Valentine's Day inspired little flower box and it is adorable. Would it be awful to ask him if I could have it as a Valentine's Day gift?! It would be too cute in my office. N and his friend had a great time, even though holding N's attention for longer than twenty minutes is like herding cats. It turned out pretty well and I wanted him to show it off. Reverse psychology is a very real and valid thing. Want to see?

Exhibit A: I asked N to smile

Exhibit B: I told N not to (little booger!)

After coming home and letting N play for a while, Chris took him to a birthday party and I stayed at home working on my Valentine's Day projects (stay tuned for that post!). We also received our Reading Rainbow rewards from Kickstarter today! Because we donated at a certain dollar amount, they sent us a t-shirt for N and one for Chris, a calendar, tote bag, magnet, and book by Lavar Burton. Pretty neat. I promptly popped this picture on Instragram with an absurd amount of hashtags. It's exciting that he can enjoy Reading Rainbow like I did when I was a kid!

Add in some cleaning, some DVR catch up, and delivery for dinner, and we achieved the perfectly balanced Saturday! 

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