Sunday, November 3, 2013

happy halloween.

Our first year of "real" trick-or-treating was a success...sort of. Nate didn't remember what Halloween was all about from last year, so once he figured out that Halloween meant candy, he was very excited!

Surprisingly, Nate wasn't overly committed to choosing a costume this year. His latest interests have been superheroes (especially Batman) and Toy Story. Because Nate dressed up in the Batman/Robin duo with Chris back in 2011, I thought Toy Story would be the best route. What a cute Woody the Cowboy he made!

Nathan's daycare does a Halloween parade and party each year where the kids march by the parents in their costumes, have a party where they stuff themselves with sugar, and then go home when they are ready to bounce off the walls. It's a lot of fun and the kids are always so excited to show off their costumes to their friends! :)

In the last few years, we have only trick-or-treated at Nate's grandparents' homes. This year, we decided to try going around our own neighborhood. Nathan was very excited about getting to see the neighbors with the added bonus of candy. We took a few shots before going out. Another family photo, check!

Truth be told, our neighborhood is a mixed bag when it comes to trick-or-treating. First, not many people participated, which is good to know for the future. Second, there were a lot of people with lights on that answered the door saying they were not giving out candy. Isn't it standard knowledge that lights on means candy? Other awesome people just left a huge bowl of candy outside and trusted people to use the honor system. We only did three streets, but Nate got tired of walking so guess who got to carry him...awesome exercise, I'm telling you!

After our neighborhood, we headed to my parents' house where Nate took and ate an obscene amount of candy.  He and Pop Pop wore essentially the same hat - can you see the mischief in this little booger's eyes as he goes for the goods?

And of course, GiGi snuck little man extra candy -- it was Halloween, after all!

Here's a really cute shot of my parents with Nate, which is turning into an annual pose!

We also managed to get another little family photo that night (hurray!), even though Nate is either getting sleepy or completely zoned out in this picture.

I'm so happy that Nate had such a good time trick-or-treating. He's asked me about a thousand times today if he could go out again!

We have a ridiculous amount of candy in our house right now. In addition to the two buckets of candy that Nate brought home, we did not have a single trick-or-treater come to our house.

Has anyone heard of the Switch Witch? Basically the concept behind this idea is to have your child get rid of most, if not all, of the Halloween candy and switch out with a toy or some other thing that's on their wishlist. I'm not sure what I think about this idea yet. Honestly, I don't think would notice or throw too much of a fit if the candy disappeared completely one day -- next year may be a whole new ballgame, though. For this year, I'll probably save some of our favorites and then send the rest into our offices at work.

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