Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Chris and I have an agreement that we alternate years to choose Nathan's Halloween costume, that is until Nate can help out with the decision making. Last year was my year, so Nate was a monkey ... Chris also decided to join in on the fun.  This year was Chris's year, so they were Batman and Robin :)

Despite the fact that we went all out to be the awesome house with full size candy bars, we didn't get many trick-or-treaters at all.  Maybe next year?  Nate went to both sets of grandparents' houses to trick-or-treat.  Way to maximize your return! Of course, as much as he likes went into his little bag.  Of course, he doesn't really know what candy is yet -- just that he likes to pick things up and put them in his bag.

Here are LOTS of photos from our evening, enjoy!

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