Wednesday, November 6, 2013

four a.m.

It hasn't been a good week for sleep. I'm not sure if it is the 'fall back' time change or the reserve sugar from Halloween coursing through his system, but Nate has been waking up in the middle of the night for very strange reasons.

Monday Night: 
Nathan decided that he was not tired at all. After hours of trying to get him to sleep, he finally fell asleep at midnight. Yep, midnight. Afterwards, I went to my room and promptly fell asleep. At four thirty the next morning, I heard doors closing and floors creaking. Looking back, I realize that my initial reaction was that there was a burglar in the house. Did I wake up my husband? Nope. Like the person who gets picked off first at the beginning of every scary movie, I went downstairs half-asleep and completely unarmed.

What did I find? My child, who went to bed only four and a half hours beforehand, minus his pants and pull-up. The sound of the doors? Well, that was him trying to go out to play in the backyard. When I asked him what he was doing, he said that he had an accident in his pull-up, so he wanted to go outside and swing. His logic escapes me!

Tuesday Night:
After an amazing feat of victory, I got Nate to sleep at 10:30 p.m. Compared to the previous night, that was quite an amazing accomplishment. I've always said that Nate doesn't sleep as much as he should for his age bracket, even when he was an infant. Last night proved to be no different. At 4:00 a.m. I heard the door to my car open and close.

Thank goodness running down the stairs in the middle of the night didn't result in any broken bones for me. I see that adrenaline as the one silver lining to this ridiculously early wake-up. When I got to my car, which was in the garage, Nate was sitting in the passenger seat hugging three teddy bears. See, today at school was 'bring in your favorite teddy bear' day. Last night, Nate put about four of them in my car. The middle of the night scare session was because he wanted to check on them to make sure they were "okay and not in twouble".

What am I going to do with this kid?!

I see door child locks, an enhanced deadbolt and some sort of sensor alarm in our future. Thank goodness I am such a light sleeper! It's always the cute ones who are so rambunctious :)

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