Sunday, August 31, 2014

mini-thanks challenge.

Last November, I did the thirty days of thanks challenge and really enjoyed it. There was something about pinpointing a specific moment of my day that gave me the warm and fuzzies that was very introspective and purposeful, but also made me realize that I have so many moments throughout the day to make me thankful. I highly recommend doing that type of exercise, whether or not you want to make it public, and I plan on doing it again this November.

That being said, I wanted to do a mini version of the challenge and focus on thankfulness for a week. I've found myself overwhelmed lately and not being my best self. What better way to turn it around than to focus and celebrate the good, tiny, crazy, unexpected, and wonderful parts of my life.
  • Day 1: My husband and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary earlier this month. We've had an eventful and blessed six years, but over the last year especially I've felt that our partnership has grown so much - cherishing our strengths and complimenting and coaching one another's weaknesses. 
  • Day 2: My hubby gets two days in a row. This guy steps in and does everything that I can't or don't want to do (like clean the fish tank, gag) and still can sit back and enjoy things with the joy of a little kid. 
  • Day 3: Nate's enthusiasm is absolutely contagious. He is a master salesman at the age of four, coaxing me into buying toys, extra stories at bedtime, and spending hours outside playing with the same superhero toys over and over and over. When it comes to trying new things, if in his area of interest, his excitement and sense of adventure is unmatched ... even if it is something as simple as making pancakes. Mickey Mouse pancakes, that is. See the pride on this little face?
  • Day 4: Reverse psychology. Sometimes I worry that I'm breeding disobedience, but the immediate struggle is to get my kid to eat something that is slightly health and/or unprocessed. My strategy is to tell Nate that I'm going to eat a snack, in this case bananas, and he giggles while devouring "my" snack in front of him. The day that he finds out that I can't stomach the idea of eating a banana will be my undoing! 
  • Day 5: Artwork that comes home from school is the best. I love to see Nate's projects and they're even more special when they're for a special occasion, like Mother's Day. I finally got around to framing his project from this year - a picture collage, handprints made to look like a butterfly, and a sweet little poem. Excuse the glare from the light but this little beauty is up in my bedroom and is one of the first things that I see each morning. 
  • Day 6: Balance is a tricky thing. I know that Chris and I both are guilty of not seeing our own friends as much as we would like to lately, but Nate is becoming a social butterfly in his own little way. Last weekend we had back to back parties where we watching Nate play his little heart out and met some new parents ... all while being just a smidge silly :) 

  • Day 7:  Upcoming vacation! We work hard, so it's about time for a well-deserved break. Chris and I haven't taken a vacation since our honeymoon, so we decided to take the plunge this year. We tried to schedule one for our one year anniversary, but I managed to fall and break my ankle, have surgery, and be a mess right beforehand. Barring any unforeseen catastrophes, we will be taking a vacation this year! Very excited to spend some quality time with my boys! 

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