Monday, August 11, 2014

fourth birthday party.

We had a sort of milestone this year where we actually had Nate's birthday party on his actual birthday. Like last year, we had Nate's party at House of Bounce. I'm always so happy when all of the details are taken care of so that I can have fun at the party, too!  A great mix of kids came this year - classmates, cousins, neighbors, kids of my friends.

The 'before' picture before all of the kids arrived and all of the craziness got started. He was so excited!

Naturally there was a lot of bouncing and sliding!

Lining up for the party room. Nate was all smiles because he knew that his favorite food (pizza) was soon to be followed by his favorite dessert (cake)!

A little too relaxed on thus throne, huh? :)

Some super happy smiles with Mom and Dad before we broke out the sugar!

Possibly the most cool cake that we've gotten for Nate, to date! While he's truly obsessed with superheroes and villains lately, Nate asked for a Scooby Doo cake this year. We found a lady who truly delivered!

Hi, y'all! I'm just going to wave since I get to blow out these candles on this amazing cake! Get your cameras ready!

What better way to end our party than to have a family picture on the throne! How do you make a kid who's been bouncing for a long time and then got a healthy dose of sugar sit still and smile? Whisper a reminder that once you get home, he can open PRESENTS!

After we got home, we set everything up, grabbed a quick photo of this ridiculously happy kiddo in front of his haul, and let him go nuts. Our house is toy central right now, but he definitely was loved on!

Birthday fireworks? Yes, please! This little sparkler had the number '4' on it! Starting off a new year with a bang!

 And the perfect end to a perfect day? One very sleepy boy.

Here's to a new year and all of fun new things that 'four' will bring!

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