Monday, August 18, 2014

pushing buttons.

We all have things that bug us. I've inadvertently tapped into things that bother my four year old lately. Is it too early for him to be embarrassed of his mom or to be on a high level of annoyance? Things that really get his goat:
  1. Using headphones: Nate can't seem to understand why I'm singing along to music that he can't hear.
  2. Using voice commands or a bluetooth headset: "Who are you talking to? I don't understand what you are saying!!!" 
  3. Similarly, using a VOIP softphone: I use this for work and Nate was at home for a sick day recently. He was thoroughly annoyed that I was "pretending" to be on the phone and eventually brought me my cell phone. 
  4. Turning through intersections: Nate recently learned what all of the colors in a stoplight mean. Turning through an intersection brings out the backseat driver in him because while my light is green, when I turn, I often pass under a light that is red meant for another part of traffic. Consequently I get a lecture for not being a "good listener". At least he's conscientious?
  5. Redirecting pretend play: When playing with his superheroes and bad guys, little man always decides on his storyline ahead of him. If I change the details or direction as we go, I get a lecture
  6. Reading epilogues at the end of movies: After reading him some of the commentary at the end, he looked up and said "Fine, I can do that too. Once upon a time ...."  
It scares me to think how long this list will become as he gets older! 

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