Friday, June 5, 2015

climb like a monkey & swim like a fish.

At Nathan's four year wellness appointment, the pediatrician asked me, "so what kinds of organized sports does your son play?" And I started at her dumbfounded -- was she messing with me? Is the typical four year old already over scheduled and in activity overload?! After a lecture about physical activity, coordination, and social skills I left the office with a resolve to a.) switch to a new pediatrician and d b.) take a harder look at what we are doing with our kid.

Between my child's inability to sit still for more than two seconds and the fact that he's been in daycare since he was two, I'm not worried about anything from the lecture. He's a never-stop-moving, friendly kid with catlike reflexes and a sense of balance that makes me jealous. Fast forward almost a year and now I think he's ready.

So for now, we're signed up for swimming lessons for June and soccer for July. N told me that this is the summer where he will climb like a monkey and swim like a fish. And judging from how he's been after his first few swimming lessons, we'll add "eat like a horse" to that list.  He's currently on his third dinner tonight. Can't imagine what the teenage years will be like!

I found a local swim center that came highly recommended in our area. Two lessons in and I can see what the buzz is about! The facility is high tech, the instructors are fun, and I couldn't ask for better class ratios (only three kids in his class!).

Because I am "that" mom, I get my kiddo to pose by the pool for me to take some pictures. He's only little once!

And get ready for some super grainy and fuzzy photos! During the lesson, parents sit in a little cafe area that is separated by glass from the pool. Perk #1: no clingy kids and they engage a lot more in the activities. Perk #2: no overly warm, humid air from the pool. Perk #3: wifi to alternate between checking Facebook and taking pics of my kiddo!

Can't wait to see how he continues to progress with swimming. And soccer? He's stoked! After a free trial lesson through his preschool, he cannot wait to get started.

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