Sunday, June 15, 2014

the mind of a three year old.

Sometimes parenting involves little white lies and sometimes it's not correcting a child's thought process because it's too stinkin' cute. Some of the funniest things that my kid thinks right now:
  1. Warm water helps your hands to feel all better after a nail cutting. He hates getting his nails cut and I don't want him to look like an unkempt creature. A white lie for the sake of hygiene works for me.
  2. GiGi and Pop Pop sleep in hooded frog blankets. My parents bought Nate one of these for Christmas one year and Nate thinks that because he sleeps in his, that they must have one too. 
  3. A (fake) cough can be cured with a Starbucks cake pop.
  4. A flip flop is performed by landing bell-first on the couch or bed. I refuse to correct him because it's one of my favorite things he does right now. 
  5. Toys need to watched during the day while Nate is at school. When I work from home, Nate always assigns specific toys to take care of during the day to make sure they don't get in trouble. I love it.
  6. The worst name that you could ever call someone is a "poopy butt" followed closely by "sandwich". 
  7. How to treat babies: very gently and don't punch them.
I love the innocence and the hilarity of this age. My little goober :) 

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