Tuesday, May 13, 2014

nathan-isms, vol. 5.

The terrible threes may be upon us, but the tantrums seem to be subsiding somewhat. The beauty and hilarity of this age is that your child begins to find his voice. Another round of Nathan-isms...

Monday afternoon, on the way home from school...
Me: I missed you today. Did you miss me?
Nate: Can I be honest?
Me: Yes...
Nate: Not really.

Calling my mom on the phone for Mother's Day...
Nate: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Why are my mommy's teeth black?
(for the record, I feel the need to point out that this is not the case and I am not on my dentist's naughty list)

On a particularly trying afternoon...
Me: Why are you being stubborn?
Nate: Because I'm a Darder.

In reflecting over the passage of time...
Nate: Mommy, is it Friday?
Me: No, it's only Tuesday.
Nate: Are you sure?
Me: Yup.
Nate: But...could you just double check?

Before heading to a birthday party...
Me: You're going to a birthday party tomorrow for a little girl. It's a princess party!
Nate: Oh wow! And I can be a prince for allllllll the girls?

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