Friday, October 15, 2010


In my pregnant, pre-anatomy scan days before we knew the sex of the baby, I started calling him Seahorse. After all, the early ultrasounds resembled one of the little creatures.  The name stuck and I referred to Nathan as Seahorse throughout the rest of my pregnancy and, to be truthful, during the first week of his life.

Now I get a little giddy when come across Seahorse related baby paraphernalia, so I thought I would share.  Here's Nathan in a onesie from my friends:

I also came across a seahorse pacifier in the store the other day.  I made a little squeak and scared the poor lady looking at bottles beside me.  Granted, Nathan does not really like pacifiers, but I am trying my hardest to get him to take to them.  Here's an action shot of him and his new paci - see how his cheeks are puffed up in preparation to shoot it out? :)

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