Sunday, October 24, 2010

the end.

I go back to work tomorrow from maternity leave.  It tears me apart knowing that I have to leave my little one. In one way, I feel like I'm abandoning him - in another, I know there are bills to pay and that he'll be in the care of his grandmothers who will love and spoil him.

I've learned a lot over the last twelve weeks - about myself, my relationship with Chris, and my precious baby boy.  I've experienced some wonderful moments: first smile, first laugh, watching him learn that he has hands, discovering and re-discovering his toes, having him look for me and lock eyes in a room of people.  Of course, there have been the days where no amount of kisses and hugs will calm him and where nap time is beyond our grasp...but I wouldn't trade that for anything.  I feel incredibly blessed to have spent this time learning how to be a new mommy and learning all that I can about little Nathan.

May the weekdays go by quickly and may our weekend time together last and last ...

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