Tuesday, July 21, 2015

nathan-isms, vol. 9.

A few funnies that I've been storing up: 

Testing out the acoustics at top volume in the Starbucks bathroom, whilst washing his hands: 
N: Tops and bottoms, tops and bottoms, in between, IN BETWEEN, wash 'em all together, wash 'em all together, now they're clean, NOW....THEY'RE....CLEAN!!

While playing outside, I noticed that Nate had stopped to talk to one of the neighbors down the street: 
Me: [yelling down the cul-de-sac] Nate, what are you doing? 

Simply put -- my Mother's Day gift: 

During errands after school: 
N: Are we going home soon? I can feel my blood pressure going up! 

Driving by a couple getting arrested on the side of the road: 
N: [putting down his window] Thanks for catching the bad guys, Mr. Policeman! 

And when I didn't think my Mother's Day gift could be topped, along came Chris's Father's Day gift: 

That time that Nate tried to pull a Dora: 
N: I've got my snacks, my sword, my backpack, and a map. I'm leaving on my adventure now!

When doing some "real life" science: 
N: Dad, I'm a scientist and [looking at Chris's head with a magnifying glass] I can see that your brain has worms in it. 
Chris: How can I get rid of it? 
N: Hard work and being nice, like mowing the grass and cleaning the bathroom. 

While listening to the radio: 
N: Mom, what ARE apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur??

Getting the post-field trip debrief: 
Me: How was your field trip today? 
N: Great! I held a chicken, fed it out of my hand, and it TOOTED on me! It was awesome! 

Explaining that ever-evolving gray area called 'parenting': 
N: So why do I have to have a consequence? 
Me: Because you didn't listen to the rules. 
N: But WHY?!
Me: It's to help you learn, Next time you'll think a little more and hopefully listen to what I said. Plus, I'm your mom and helping you learn this kind of stuff is my job. 
N: So .... can I talk to your boss instead? 

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