Saturday, April 4, 2015

montessori art show.

Nate has been attending the Montessori preschool program at our daycare this year and I've been impressed with both the curriculum and his response to the program. Let's be honest: the first month or so was a bit of a struggle. N didn't understand the ebb and flow of the day and needed some extra hands on direction. He also wasn't the least bit interested in any of the 'work' that was available for him to do. Fast forward to (almost) the end of the year and he's doing really well. He is learning, he is excited to go to school every day, and his behavior has been pretty good!

One of the bigger events that the class does is an art show based on different artists and techniques that have been introduced to the kiddos. Each kid had their own display and N was pretty excited to show it off ... and eat the refreshments served afterward!

Now what to do with all of this stuff?! We currently have his art on display on a table in our house, but how are parents supposed to keep track of all of this? I'm usually the first person to purge, but I can't seem to pare down on anything yet. For now, we'll live with the ever growing stacks of drawings and paintings...and be thankful that we're starting to be able to decipher what he's made because it's more recognizable and that his 'masterpieces' even have some letters peppered in for fun!

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