Friday, October 23, 2015

nathan-isms, vol. 10.

Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or do both. This kid says some terribly hilarious things.

Playing dress-up at school...
N: I'm pretending to be a thief, but only of money and diamonds.
[clearly a discerning eye, this one]

The field trip debrief...
Me: How was your field trip?
N: We stole peaches.
Me: You mean picked peaches?
N: I really not sure
Me: Well, did you see any animals?
N: Yeah, but only because we had time to kill.

After driving to school one morning...
N: [in the most calm, nonchalant way] Can you hold onto this today? My tooth fell out.

After telling N to throw away a pair of ripped undies...
N: [to his underwear, with a completely somber little face] I'm really going to miss you.
Me: [snicker]
N: Moooooom! I'm trying to have a moment here!

After reading a book about how vegetables are good for you ... 
N: I really need to take over the world and push the desserts. And make them stop writing stuff like this. It's just so frustrating!

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