Sunday, August 31, 2014

mini-thanks challenge.

Last November, I did the thirty days of thanks challenge and really enjoyed it. There was something about pinpointing a specific moment of my day that gave me the warm and fuzzies that was very introspective and purposeful, but also made me realize that I have so many moments throughout the day to make me thankful. I highly recommend doing that type of exercise, whether or not you want to make it public, and I plan on doing it again this November.

That being said, I wanted to do a mini version of the challenge and focus on thankfulness for a week. I've found myself overwhelmed lately and not being my best self. What better way to turn it around than to focus and celebrate the good, tiny, crazy, unexpected, and wonderful parts of my life.
  • Day 1: My husband and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary earlier this month. We've had an eventful and blessed six years, but over the last year especially I've felt that our partnership has grown so much - cherishing our strengths and complimenting and coaching one another's weaknesses. 
  • Day 2: My hubby gets two days in a row. This guy steps in and does everything that I can't or don't want to do (like clean the fish tank, gag) and still can sit back and enjoy things with the joy of a little kid. 
  • Day 3: Nate's enthusiasm is absolutely contagious. He is a master salesman at the age of four, coaxing me into buying toys, extra stories at bedtime, and spending hours outside playing with the same superhero toys over and over and over. When it comes to trying new things, if in his area of interest, his excitement and sense of adventure is unmatched ... even if it is something as simple as making pancakes. Mickey Mouse pancakes, that is. See the pride on this little face?
  • Day 4: Reverse psychology. Sometimes I worry that I'm breeding disobedience, but the immediate struggle is to get my kid to eat something that is slightly health and/or unprocessed. My strategy is to tell Nate that I'm going to eat a snack, in this case bananas, and he giggles while devouring "my" snack in front of him. The day that he finds out that I can't stomach the idea of eating a banana will be my undoing! 
  • Day 5: Artwork that comes home from school is the best. I love to see Nate's projects and they're even more special when they're for a special occasion, like Mother's Day. I finally got around to framing his project from this year - a picture collage, handprints made to look like a butterfly, and a sweet little poem. Excuse the glare from the light but this little beauty is up in my bedroom and is one of the first things that I see each morning. 
  • Day 6: Balance is a tricky thing. I know that Chris and I both are guilty of not seeing our own friends as much as we would like to lately, but Nate is becoming a social butterfly in his own little way. Last weekend we had back to back parties where we watching Nate play his little heart out and met some new parents ... all while being just a smidge silly :) 

  • Day 7:  Upcoming vacation! We work hard, so it's about time for a well-deserved break. Chris and I haven't taken a vacation since our honeymoon, so we decided to take the plunge this year. We tried to schedule one for our one year anniversary, but I managed to fall and break my ankle, have surgery, and be a mess right beforehand. Barring any unforeseen catastrophes, we will be taking a vacation this year! Very excited to spend some quality time with my boys! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

chore chart.

Is four years old too young to help out around the house? Absolutely not. Is it too young for an allowance? That's very debatable and I'm leaning towards "yes", it is too young.  That being said, I'm going against my gut and starting a chore chart with a pseudo allowance.

Nate's pretty good about helping me when I ask. He has an eagerness to help, which is both very appreciated and completely appropriate for his age. I want to nurture this desire as he gets older - primarily through understanding how everyone in the family pitches in, but also how he can benefit through some positive reinforcement. I refuse to put another boy out into the world who doesn't know/care how to clean up after himself. Baby steps ...

Right now, Nate has five chores to do every day that he can either do by himself or with minimal supervision:

  1. Feed pets (we have two dogs and some fish) 
  2. Clean up dirty dishes by putting them into the sink or the dishwasher
  3. Help throw away trash 
  4. Put dirty clothes into the hamper 
  5. Clean up toys every night before bed 
There's (always) a toy that Nate wants to buy and I'm the world's worst for caving when he wants something. It's time to buckle down get the idea into his head that we have to work if we want to play. So for completing all of his chores each day, Nate will get the equivalent of $1 a day until he has enough days to equal out the hot toy of the moment. I feel like that's a little steep but I'm sure we can adjust as we get used to this. 

So how are we going to keep track of this and stay organized? I found an awesome chore chart on Amazon! I really like the clear breakdown of days and chores. It also comes with a variety of ways to mount the chart - adhesive strips and magnets. I opted to attach a ribbon to the top (not included) to get the look that I was going for.  The marker that it comes with has the normal pen on one side and star shaped stamp on the other - I can't seem to get the star come out correctly, but great idea on paper. The bottom of the chart has a way to make a currency conversion ("X" stars = certain reward), plus ways to keep track of other life necessities like brushing teeth and doing homework. 

We're currently three days into this experiment and nearly $3 toward his $32 goal! What can I say, my kid has expensive tastes :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

pushing buttons.

We all have things that bug us. I've inadvertently tapped into things that bother my four year old lately. Is it too early for him to be embarrassed of his mom or to be on a high level of annoyance? Things that really get his goat:
  1. Using headphones: Nate can't seem to understand why I'm singing along to music that he can't hear.
  2. Using voice commands or a bluetooth headset: "Who are you talking to? I don't understand what you are saying!!!" 
  3. Similarly, using a VOIP softphone: I use this for work and Nate was at home for a sick day recently. He was thoroughly annoyed that I was "pretending" to be on the phone and eventually brought me my cell phone. 
  4. Turning through intersections: Nate recently learned what all of the colors in a stoplight mean. Turning through an intersection brings out the backseat driver in him because while my light is green, when I turn, I often pass under a light that is red meant for another part of traffic. Consequently I get a lecture for not being a "good listener". At least he's conscientious?
  5. Redirecting pretend play: When playing with his superheroes and bad guys, little man always decides on his storyline ahead of him. If I change the details or direction as we go, I get a lecture
  6. Reading epilogues at the end of movies: After reading him some of the commentary at the end, he looked up and said "Fine, I can do that too. Once upon a time ...."  
It scares me to think how long this list will become as he gets older! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

nathan-isms, vol. 6.

It's been a few months since I've shared some Nathan-isms. Here are a few that I've jotted down ...

After dropping a bowl of cereal on the floor...
Nate: Mommy, are you thinking potty words?
Me: ....
(full disclosure: he still thinks that potty words are things like "poopy butt" so we'll keep it at that)

While watching me change his baby cousin's diaper...
Nate: He has a butt?!?

While doing some serious pretend play with his superheroes and bad guys...
Nate: It's time for DIARRHEA!! Power up, boys!
Me: Nate, what do you think that "diarrhea" means?
Nate: It's how superheroes get their energy to fight.
Me: That is actually a word for icky poop when you don't feel good. Do you understand?
Nate: Oooooh! You said a potty word!

Because being a threenager is a real thing...
Nate: I don't really like you today.
Me: Well, that's a shame because I like you.
Nate: Awkwaaaaaaaaaard.

While watching his baby cousin, all swaddled up, taking a nap...
Nate: When he wakes up, will he be a butterfly?

Learning the ways of the world...
Me: Let's see if you can get to the car before I count to three. One ... Two ... Wow, you're so fast!
Nate: If I'm not, I get timeout.

Monday, August 11, 2014

fourth birthday party.

We had a sort of milestone this year where we actually had Nate's birthday party on his actual birthday. Like last year, we had Nate's party at House of Bounce. I'm always so happy when all of the details are taken care of so that I can have fun at the party, too!  A great mix of kids came this year - classmates, cousins, neighbors, kids of my friends.

The 'before' picture before all of the kids arrived and all of the craziness got started. He was so excited!

Naturally there was a lot of bouncing and sliding!

Lining up for the party room. Nate was all smiles because he knew that his favorite food (pizza) was soon to be followed by his favorite dessert (cake)!

A little too relaxed on thus throne, huh? :)

Some super happy smiles with Mom and Dad before we broke out the sugar!

Possibly the most cool cake that we've gotten for Nate, to date! While he's truly obsessed with superheroes and villains lately, Nate asked for a Scooby Doo cake this year. We found a lady who truly delivered!

Hi, y'all! I'm just going to wave since I get to blow out these candles on this amazing cake! Get your cameras ready!

What better way to end our party than to have a family picture on the throne! How do you make a kid who's been bouncing for a long time and then got a healthy dose of sugar sit still and smile? Whisper a reminder that once you get home, he can open PRESENTS!

After we got home, we set everything up, grabbed a quick photo of this ridiculously happy kiddo in front of his haul, and let him go nuts. Our house is toy central right now, but he definitely was loved on!

Birthday fireworks? Yes, please! This little sparkler had the number '4' on it! Starting off a new year with a bang!

 And the perfect end to a perfect day? One very sleepy boy.

Here's to a new year and all of fun new things that 'four' will bring!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


My not-so-little kiddo is FOUR. Somehow in the midst of superheroes, running laps, running errands, working, some horrific messes, some hilarious outbursts, and some incredible sweetness, four years have flown by.

 Nate had his four year wellness exam today and this kid is perfectly proportional at 42 and a quarter inches tall and 42 pounds. A pound per inch, not bad!

At four years old ...
  • Nate's fascination with all things superheroes continues. Though, truth be told, he really likes the "bad guys" best. Our house is chocked full of toys from Imaginext - they are awesome!
  • My child has developed true empathy and wants to make sure that everyone is okay after any sort of discussion. I love that my kiddo understands and cares about other people's feelings (sometimes).
  • Nate's developed little tells for when he's exceptionally happy about something. One is him saying "shake a little booty" (and acting it out) and another is this happy dance that he's crafted 
  • We no longer need to buy overnight pull-ups! Thank goodness! We probably could have stopped buying them a long time ago but I tend to be overly cautious. Overnight disposables v. changing sheets at 3 a.m. No contest. I've been converted though! 
  • The funniest thing that Nate asks me on a regular basis: "Mom, are you thinking potty words?" Usually in public, usually in earshot of other people -- like mothers, teenagers, older women. Let's clarify that he thinks that potty words are "poopy butt" and "stinker". Love the innocence on this one. 
  • Built in help! This child has some energy and I'm trying to harness it for good instead of evil. Picking up toys, putting laundry in the hamper, helping put trash in the trashcan, learning the "a place for everything and everything in its place" mantra. I'm determined to teach responsibility! 
  • The kiddo has some adorable friends. My favorite is at drop off or pick-up at daycare when he gets group hugged by his buddies. 

And now for our questions for Nate. I asked him these questions six months ago and wanted to see how the answers changed.
  1. What is your favorite color? Red
  2. What is your favorite food? Pizza
  3. What is your favorite t.v. show? Scooby Doo
  4. Who is your best friend? Caleb
  5. What is your favorite animal? Tiger
  6. What is your favorite song? Everything is Awesome (from The Lego Movie)
  7. What is your favorite toy?  My bad guys
  8. What is your favorite movie? Monsters University
  9. What is your favorite stuffed animal to sleep with at night? My bad guys
  10. What do you want to do when you grow up? A giant
Such a happy birthday with my little love! More to come about his party!