Wednesday, June 25, 2014

life lately.

What a month! Summer hit us, full force, with lots of heat and awful humidity. Is it Fall yet?! We've been doing things like millions of loads of laundry each week and following my kid around with a vacuum cleaner. How does his sand box still have sand in it?! It is everywhere.

We've spent lots of time with my newest nephew and Nate has done very well with having a baby around. Nate asks to hold and feed Baby K constantly and refers to the pacifier as the "quiet button". Love it! These two are just too much :) A few photos off of my phone...I need to have a major sorting and editing session to pull photos off of my 'real' camera.


My kiddo has been in rare form lately.  Over the weekend, one of the dogs stole Nate's popcorn. Nate retaliated by peeing on the dog. I had no words. Nate's favorite thing to do on his tablet is to watch videos about toys and how to play with them like this one or this one. Interestingly enough, though, he's learned a few new features of his own toys and now understands more about their moving parts and functions. 

Nate recently decided that he likes bananas again. My strategy to get him to eat them is never to offer them. I'll put one strategically on the coffee table and then let the magic happen. How does he eat them? Why, jumping and swinging around the house like a monkey, of course. 

More adventures to come, I'm sure. Nate's daycare just kicked off summer camp where they have a weekly splash day for the kids, but this week they're celebrating International Mud Day

Monday, June 23, 2014

keto diet, week 1.

My husband jumped on the ketogenic diet last year and lost ninety (!) pounds. I hate him. He looks awesome! I'll admit that when he first started, I was very skeptical, especially given the amount of fat that he ate. But a year later, he still has the weight off and his latest physical had great numbers (and some areas even improved). So, I thought - let's give this a whirl.

What is a ketogenic diet?
It is a high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate diet that may be used for weight loss, as well as a treatment for other conditions. In doing some very general research this week, I found sites that detailed how to use this diet for epilepsy, diabetes, and cancer treatment. The diet puts your body into a state of ketosis, which burns fat rather than energy garnered from carbs. You can check to see if your body is in ketosis, most accurately, via a blood test. Well, I'm not going to delve into my health insurance dollars if I don't have to, so I have been using the keto strips to help determine what's going on. Not as reliable but much cheaper.

Week 1 is rough - your body goes through carb withdrawal, you experience a wide range of fun emotions, and you have to re-work how/what you eat completely.

Week 1: Emotional Review
  • Day 1: In the morning, I felt pumped! Let's do this! Lunch time was an adjustment (eww ... eggs?!) but I rolled with it. By the time that the evening rolled around, I had a short fuse. 
  • Day 2: Anger, headaches, exhausted, very emotional, anger (yes, it warrants mentioning twice), cravings are awful. This was definitely my low point. 
  • Day 3: Hey! I feel more like a person!
  • Day 4: Okay, cravings are subsiding a bit. I am seeing progress, so that is motivating. My energy is improving.
  • Day 5: I feel great. I no longer want to punch people for eating beautiful carbs in front of me, lots of energy, and not very hungry. 
  • Day 6: Normally, Saturday is my fall apart day. I got up at a respectable time, had a nice relaxing day, and wasn't very hungry. Motivation increases! 
  • Day 7: That's today! My energy level has stayed up, my hunger has stayed down, and I'm really liking the results from this diet. 
Food that I Ate this Week: And for the record, I'm not a big meat person. It's been adjustment to eat this way, with a LOT of coaching from my hubby. My mental process goes to AGH! TOO MUCH FAT! but it really is working ... 
  • Eggs 
  • Cheese 
  • Bacon 
  • Peanut butter
  • Broccoli
  • Chicken breast
  • Hot dogs 
  • Spinach
  • Greek yogurt (only a little)
  • Cauliflower "mashed potatoes" 
  • Salad 
  • Water, water, and more water! 
Week 1 Results: 
  • Weight: loss of 6.9 lbs! 
  • Energy Level: great by the end of the week
Week 1 Revelations:
  • Willpower is hard but possible - once I was through the initial carb detox, it motivated me to stay on the diet more for fear of going through it again
  • I miss Starbucks, but I'm trying to make it work -- a grande iced coffee with sugar free syrup and soy milk has only a few carbs, so that will be my new normal
  • Coffee at home is possible! Enter the Keurig machine, heavy whipping cream, and sugar-free Torani syrup (it's amazing!). I've been doing a normal 8 oz. cup of coffee, 1 oz. of heavy whipping cream, and 1 oz. of the sugar-free syrup. 
  • Eating this diet is expensive...but in comparison to medical costs down the road if I don't get my butt in gear, mere pennies {perspective}. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

the mind of a three year old.

Sometimes parenting involves little white lies and sometimes it's not correcting a child's thought process because it's too stinkin' cute. Some of the funniest things that my kid thinks right now:
  1. Warm water helps your hands to feel all better after a nail cutting. He hates getting his nails cut and I don't want him to look like an unkempt creature. A white lie for the sake of hygiene works for me.
  2. GiGi and Pop Pop sleep in hooded frog blankets. My parents bought Nate one of these for Christmas one year and Nate thinks that because he sleeps in his, that they must have one too. 
  3. A (fake) cough can be cured with a Starbucks cake pop.
  4. A flip flop is performed by landing bell-first on the couch or bed. I refuse to correct him because it's one of my favorite things he does right now. 
  5. Toys need to watched during the day while Nate is at school. When I work from home, Nate always assigns specific toys to take care of during the day to make sure they don't get in trouble. I love it.
  6. The worst name that you could ever call someone is a "poopy butt" followed closely by "sandwich". 
  7. How to treat babies: very gently and don't punch them.
I love the innocence and the hilarity of this age. My little goober :)