Six o'clock in the morning, my alarm goes off. By alarm, I mean my energetic little man announced he was ready for the day. I'm not sure why, but his little inner clock has been waking him up at six sharp every morning. Oh wait, except on Sunday when it was 5:59 a.m. Yikes! I hope earlier is not a trend -- minute by minute, it adds up!
After getting myself dressed and Nate dressed, I checked and double-checked his 'going to school' bag to make sure that we had everything on the list. His things are marked with his name in permanent marker and even the Ziploc bags are labeled with their contents. As we drive to the school, Nate gets quiet as he realizes we are going somewhere new. When getting out of the car at the daycare, he murmurs "oh my" and we start this new little journey.
I find his classroom -- it's for toddlers ages one through nearly two. It comforts me just a bit to know that he'll be one of the oldest kids in here. I hope the other kids are nice to him! After I set him down on the floor, Nate walks away without a backward glance. I got to chit chat with his teacher for a few minutes, trying to boil my little boy down to a few succinct and telling sentences. She of course noticed the painstaking efforts that I went through with his things and jokingly said I was OCD and loved it. Lady, you've got no idea what I can do with a list, some baggies, and a permanent marker. I could organize your entire life! When I got ready to leave, Nate didn't notice and I didn't draw attention to myself -- so I slipped out, no fuss no muss.
But as I get to the car, the sobbing starts...the guilt and fears take over for just a few minutes. I'm sure the people think I am a lunatic now. Fast forwarding through a day of worrying, pick-up went great. GiGi and I picked up a happy boy with a glowing 'report card' for the day. For my own benefit, things I'd like to remember about his first day:
- Marked as having a cheerful and happy disposition
- TOOK A NAP ON A COT! For a still crib-sleeper, this is an amazing feat
- Didn't poop at all. No, he saved this for momma
- Engaged in a ton of activities, ranging from looking at books, to water play, to playing with blocks. One item that did not make the list: clean-up. Truly genetic predisposition! I think which parent is self-explanatory :)