Our weekend was chock full of time with our new little nephew, taking Nate to the pumpkin patch, and more errands than humanly necessary.
First, we got to see little Miles again! Fun fact: Nathan was 9 lbs, 11 oz at birth. Miles was 9 lbs, 11 oz at one month. If you're a parent (more mommies than daddies), that will definitely blow your mind a little. I have no hesitations that Nathan would love to have a younger brother or sister -- he cried when the pictures were over and he couldn't hold the baby any more. One day, maybe ...
Second, we took Nathan to a pumpkin patch here in town. It's off of a busy road and beside a gas station, but I remember going there when I was a kid -- so on with another generation of traditions! Nate played on the slides, on the train, in the teepee. He's really a little too young for most of the activities, but he is so adventurous and I love taking photos of him.