Thursday, October 27, 2011

halloween treats.

I've never been a big fan of the fall season.  I've always seen at as a precursor to snow, ice and cold -- but this year seems to be a bit different.  Maybe because I'm older?  Maybe because my hormones went ballistic when I had a baby and now I don't fear the cold?  In any case, this fall I have been drinking pumpkin drinks, hot apple cider, and enjoying the crisp air.  In the spirit of fully embracing all that fall has to offer, I've been scheming about ways to enjoy Halloween without having to do the whole costume thing. Baby steps -- maybe I'll do a costume next year.

I came across this neat blog that has all things domestic and crafty.  It inspired me to do my own, beginner version :)  I'm going to give them out to a few people at work tomorrow

Here's what I used:
  • Orange Tic Tacs
  • Black construction paper
  • Halloween stickers
  • Bobbin ribbon 
  • Glue gun 
The blog link above has the step-by-step, but here is my finished product: 

Monday, October 24, 2011

weekend fun.

Our weekend was chock full of time with our new little nephew, taking Nate to the pumpkin patch, and more errands than humanly necessary. 

First, we got to see little Miles again! Fun fact: Nathan was 9 lbs, 11 oz at birth.  Miles was 9 lbs, 11 oz at one month.  If you're a parent (more mommies than daddies), that will definitely blow your mind a little. I have no hesitations that Nathan would love to have a younger brother or sister -- he cried when the pictures were over and he couldn't hold the baby any more.  One day, maybe ...

Second, we took Nathan to a pumpkin patch here in town.  It's off of a busy road and beside a gas station, but I remember going there when I was a kid -- so on with another generation of traditions!  Nate played on the slides, on the train, in the teepee.   He's really a little too young for most of the activities, but he is so adventurous and I love taking photos of him.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

fall tablescape.

I don't consider myself a crafty person by any means -- I don't scrapbook, I don't DIY -- ever!  But over the last few years I've noticed that there's just something about the holidays that makes me want to try.  Today I decided to make a fall themed tablescape for our dining room table based off of a mishmash of some ideas I found online.  I think it turned out okay.  :)

I used:
  • 2 small pumpkins
  • 2 bags of polished rocks (orange and black) 
  • 1/4 of a bag of Spanish moss 
  • 1 votive candle
  • 1 glass candle holder

Sunday, October 16, 2011

fourteen months.

What is fourteen months for Nathan?  It is energetic activity, it is sweet kisses and hugs, it is moments of pure stubbornness ... it is a blast!  Even on the days where he breaks or outsmarts a new childproofing device, we always have our fun times chasing each other through the house, dancing to his favorite songs, or looking at pictures.  Nate is starting to really 'understand' when you talk to him, which is a great feeling.  He is also starting to add more words to his little vocabulary -- I think he will be quite the talker!

Here are a few photos of Nate at fourteen months:

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today was absolutely gorgeous, so we took Nate to one of the local parks to try out the playground.  He is definitely not old enough to take full advantage of the whole park, but it definitely has sentimental value for Chris and I.  We had our first date there (years ago!) and that's actually where he proposed :)   I think it is a sweet way to create memories as our family grows.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


We had some friends and their kids over today for a playdate! Chimichangas, Fruit Ninja and pumpkin cheesecake!  It's so nice to spend time with other people who have kids.  Until you have them, you really don't quite understand how much life changes.  I gladly trade my nights out on the town for nights in with my little one -- explaining the logistics behind it can be tougher than it sounds :)  In any case, we had a lot of fun this evening.  Nate loves playing with other kids!  Naturally, I had the camera out ...

Friday, October 7, 2011


Nate loves his Daddy so much.  This was too cute to pass up -- they are kissing through the windowpane! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

baby miles.

I'm an aunt again! Our nephew, Miles, was born on the 19th to Chris's brother and his wife -- he was a tiny little thing at 7 lbs, 5 oz.  We got to meet him for the first time over the weekend and he was absolutely darling! So tiny and so sleepy! Looking back, it makes me miss the days when Nate was a little baby (even though he was not quite that little!).  Here are a few pictures of little Miles!

I was so glad that Nathan was able to spend time with his little cousin.  I'm really looking forward to the fact that they will grow up together - I hope they will be great buddies! Nate is slowly learning what a 'baby' is and he was surprisingly gentle with Miles.  He even gave Miles a kiss!  Here are a few of the first pictures of Nate and Miles together :)